C – Comprehension O – Outlook (Philosophy) A – Affection (Concern) C – Character H – Humor
New? Thinking of coaching? Please email the Director of Coaches for more information.
Registration on or after June 1 will complete your new background check and then click on Details in your coaches’ profile to complete your SafeSport requirement for the coming year.
Coaches, please click here to register yourself as a coach for the 2024-25 soccer year (Fall and Spring).
***All NEW Coach and Manager Background Checks and SafeSport training will all need to be completed after registering.
LCSA as an extension of U.S. Soccer is committed to providing all coaches, from beginner to advanced, with education tailored to their experiences and the needs of their players. The Coaching License Pathway consists of a series of courses designed to meet the specific needs of a coach at every step of the way. U.S. Soccer believes education is a journey, and our goal is to provide the necessary tools, guidance, and mentorship a coach requires. Click Here to get started on your pathway to better coaching.
To create a Team Manager account, please email info@lcsasoccer.org
Coaching Education Resources:
Initial Coach-Parent Meeting: Setting the Foundation for Success